Saturday, October 6, 2007

Things to See/Places to Go

Dayton has a lot going on this weekend

First off...the Dayton Music Fest, which promises to be a pretty good show. Most of the venues are in the Oregon (exception being Canal Street Tavern).

I saw most of the pre-show at the Oregon Express, and was impressed by the Lab Partners.

Tickest are $10 (gets you into all the clubs). Here's the schedule:

Saturday October 6

9:00- 9:35/ The Audible Influence (Dayton Band Playoffs winner)
10:00- 10:35/ Shawen Acres
11:00- 11:35/ Shrug
12:00- 12:35/ The American Static
1:00- 2:00/ Enon

9:30- 10:05/ Blaxeed
10:30- 11:05/ Fairmount Girls
11:30- 12:05/ The Story Changes
12:30- 1:30/ Luxury Pushers

9:30- 10:05/ The Goody Two Shoes
10:30- 11:05/ Minor Planets
11:30- 12:05/ HQAX
12:30- 1:30/ My Latex Brain

9:00- 9:35/ Wes Tirey
10:00- 10:35/ The Sweep
11:00- 11:35/ Melonballer
12:00- 12:35/ The Sailing
1:00- 2:00/ Joe Anderl

9:30- 10:05/ Kentucky Overflow
10:30- 11:05/ Once-ler
11:30- 12:05/ Human Reunion
12:30- 1:30/ Sleepybird

CREATIVE SOUND CAFE (free and all-ages)
9:00- 9:25/ XL427
9:35- 10:00/ Joe Anderl
10:10- 10:35/ Kris N
10:45- 11:10/ Wes Tirey
11:20- 12:00/ Towhee

(cut & pasted from Audendi)


The Dayton Art Institute has their Oktoberfest. This apparently is a pretty good place to get better beer, but I recall, from going years ago, they also have an arts and crafts fair.

Adults $5. Heres' the schedule:

Saturday, October 6
Live Entertainment
Time Band Location
10:00-12:00 Future Site Main Stage
12:00-2:00 Oakwood Accordion Band Food Tent Stage
12:30-2:30 Sauerkraut Band Main Stage
3:00-4:00 The Fries Main Stage
3:00-5:00 Buzzcats Food Tent Stage
5:00-7:00 Stranger Main Stage
8:00-11:00 The Hathaways Main Stage

Sunday, October 7
Time Band Location
12:00-2:00 Dayton Jazz Ensemble Main Stage
1:00-3:00 Sauerkraut Band Food Tent Stage
2:30-4:30 24/Seven Main Stage
4:00-6:00 Dayton Jazz Quartet Food Tent Stage
5:00-7:00 Ticket to Ride Main Stage


The Dayton Contemporary Dance Company has their fall concert this weekend. If you have not seen the DCDC this is a must -see. A nationally recognized dance company based in Dayton.

This concert is a tribute to choreographer Kevin Ward. 4 dances: Etudes (2006), Offering to JFT (1996), Love and the Weather (1984) and Sets and Chasers (1998).

A word on dance. Dayton is quite unusual for a city its size to have three professional dance companys. I have come late to the dance scene here, but am hooked on this art form.

I am not particularly a balletomane (yet), but the Dayton Ballet is excellent. Possibly Dayton's premier performing arts institution, and a presenter of new work, too. I particularly like their repetory concerts, where they do a set of more modern dances, but informed by the classical tradition. Their story ballets are probably more popular with local audiences, though. The one I recall as being quite good was America's Robin Hood.

DCDC and Rhythm in Shoes are more contemporary, and have collaborated in the past. DCDC has recieved national recognition and is equal to the Dayton Ballet, but in contemporary dance. DCDC tours quite a bit.

I've posted on RiS below. RiS is more local, but is beginning to tour more, so one can expect them to become better known with time.

1 comment:

  1. Another cool thing happening on Saturday was the annual Gearfest at the 2nd St. Market. This year's event was much bigger than last year's. Live entertainment, outdoor groups from all over the state, action games for big and little kids. It was packed with people showing a lot of interest in outdoor activities growing in the Dayton area.
