In a recent DDN article on a fire at the old Delco Light, later Fridgidaire plant (AKA Harrison Radiator) some news about the fate of what might be the old loft buildings on site.
"The two buildings on fire are part of the city's Tech Town campus at 300 Taylor St. Both are scheduled for demolition. The buildings are 75 to 80 years old and have concrete walls and floors and wooden roofs."
Now it is unclear if this is the case (the two buildings in the story are #'s 10 and 13), but this was reported on earlier, and a topic of a Daytonology post: Tech Town Changes Plans.
But at that time it seemed up in the air. Now it seems a decision is made and Dayton will lose yet another piece of it's irreplaceable industrial heritage. Not that it's so impossible to do this kind of adaptive reuse, as its being done eleswhere
So the question is, if Tech Town is just another suburban buisness park, withoug anything distinctive (like a restored loft factory) what is the attraction? What makes it cool enough to attract advanced tech stuff? (And how cool would it be to locate on a floor in some funky lofty old industrial building?)
Why not just locate in the suburbs?
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