Saturday, December 6, 2008

Lewis Kemp House, again

Apparently someone recognized the signifigance of this house as it's listed on the National Register, added in 1975.

The listing dates it to 1806.

So this is a very early house, perhaps coming after a cabin?

At this early date this is probably the second-oldest house within Dayton city limits (the oldest is a farmhouse in Westwood, near Wolf Creek, dating from 1802). The stone was probably quarried on-site. I've reposted a somewhat enlarged pix so one can see the stone coursing.

Unfortunatly the National Register nomination isn't online or availble, so no further detail. If a reader knows anything about this house please post in the comments.


  1. Jeff, I think the Kemp house is written up in that (1970's?) publication on Montgomery County Landmarks---I can't put my hands on a copy right this minute, but will try to find it and pass on what it has, if someone doesn't beat me to it.

    Great series, as always. I was familiar with the Kemp house, but had never known about the Huston houses, so really enjoyed that post.

    One techical issue with the post on the Tait House---the 1st Ohio Infantry that served at Bull Run was actually a mostly-different unit (raised for 90 days service at the beginning of the war) than the 1st Ohio Edwin Parrott raised at Taits Point for the 3 years service.

    Great series, as always.

    Dave N.

  2. The Kemp House is shown in a large photo on page 17 of the June 1, 1968 "Landmark Committee Report--A Study and Evaluation of the Signifcant Structures and Sites of Montgomery County." Entry states that stone portion was commenced by Lewis Kemp shortly after his 1806 migration from Maryland, with brick part added in the 1830's (not sure what source was, but Kemp descendents still lived there in 1968). (and to my chagrin, the Huston houses are both also mentioned, I just never sought them out).

    Thanks again for the series.

  3. Thanks everyone. I need to look for that landmarks book or publication.

  4. I wanted to make sure you knew about this resource as well...
