Monday, February 23, 2009

Blues News You Can Use

There's more in Dayton than rock. There's roll. No, wait....

...check out this upcoming event this Saturday:

Looks great if you are a blues fan. Being held at Gillys. Note that one of those on the Bill is Snapper Mitchum. People who've been around a while will recall Mitchum having a blues show night over at the old Night Owl, back when it was smaller. Mitchum returned back to Chicago, but is back in town for a bit and is having sort of a re-union show over at J-Alans on Sunday:Link
Should be good. J-Allans is also home to Brown Street Breakdown
...blues band that has a standing gig there on Tuesday nights for most of March.

Back to the Dayton Blues Society. The ones sponsoring this coming Saturday's show. This is apparently a fairly new group. They have a Blue Sunday blues jam, or had one, on a monthly basis at different clubs, including across the river at the Ware Banquet Center in Edgemont. Pretty cool thing going on here.

On a personal note yer humble host was never a blues fan until he moved to Sacramento and started going to blues jams over at the old Sams Hofbrau on J Street. This was hosted by John Heartsman, veteran of the Oakland scene. There I got hooked...ok maybe not hooked but I learned to appreciate this music more, enough to go out and hear it more. Heartsmans' jams brought a lot of local talent out of the woodwork, resulting in a small blues fest starting up in "River City". So an example of how a scene can build. Link

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