Starting during Urban Nights and extending through the weekend, LadyFest was probably the first public use of the Creative Incubator space (they really need to come up with a new name for this).
But what is LadyFest. Apparently this is an international movement of feminist art and music events. The Guardian, the UK broadsheet, as an excellent article on it, showing how it is a modern outgrowth of the Riot Grrrl movement of the 1990s.
"A phenomenon may be brewing. From Glasgow to Chicago, Boston to Bloomington, Indiana, women are getting together to organise arts events in the name Ladyfest. They are open to all but the ethos - "by women, for women" - is decidedly feminist. The programme ranges from fashion shows to debates on fat oppression to car mechanics workshops, but the main draw is music - and it couldn't be further from the manufactured, fame-seeking pop of the Britneys of this world."
"Ladyfest takes its name and inspiration from a festival held in Olympia, Washington, in August last year, but its ideas were informed by a much earlier movement, riot grrrl...."
That article was from 2001, and it's 2008, so yeah it takes awhile for things to get here, but be glad that it did get here, as this was a great little event. They even had one of my favorites, Dawn Cooksey, performing...

More LadyFest pix at Urban Ohio
...or at the LadyFest Dayton website.
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